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So far GibbLaw has created 220 blog entries.

What are the debtor’s responsibilities as to non-exempt property in Bankruptcy Court?


Remedies available in bankruptcy are intended to give debtors a fresh start. Surprisingly, many people who file bankruptcy do not understand their responsibilities when it comes to their non-exempt property. Upon the filing of bankruptcy, all assets belonging to the debtor, not otherwise claimed as exempt, become the property of the debtor’s bankruptcy estate. The [...]

What are the debtor’s responsibilities as to non-exempt property in Bankruptcy Court?2015-07-27T12:14:32-04:00

Creditors Rights Attorney Lectures at WMU Cooley Law School


Gibbons | Neuman Creditors Rights Attorney Victor Veschio lectured at the WMU Cooley Law School on Florida Bankruptcy Law and Practice from the creditors’rights perspective in representing national banks, credit unions and mortgage servicers. Topics included Chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcy automatic stay relief to recover collateral, adequate protection to creditors, reaffirming an otherwise dischargeable [...]

Creditors Rights Attorney Lectures at WMU Cooley Law School2015-07-22T10:07:17-04:00

Pre-Suit Mediation


For many years, court-ordered mediation has been used extensively in Florida to help litigants resolve their dispute without going through a trial. Judges love mediation because it clears cases. For that reason, courts often require parties to go through mediation before setting a case for trial. Those parties who successfully reach a mediated settlement save [...]

Pre-Suit Mediation2015-07-20T13:43:54-04:00

Elder Law Attorney Discusses Long Term Care with Paralegals


On June 9, 2015, the Firm’s Elder Law attorney, Elizabeth P. Allen, spoke at the monthly luncheon meeting for the Tampa Bay Paralegal Association held at the Tampa Club in downtown Tampa.  The subject matter of her presentation was representing the elderly client and the basics of long-term care planning. The presentation also included a [...]

Elder Law Attorney Discusses Long Term Care with Paralegals2015-07-16T11:11:45-04:00

A Borrower Cannot Sell Business Assets That Are Intended as Collateral For a Loan, and Then Try to Discharge the Debt in Bankruptcy


Lenders often feel left without a remedy when a borrower transfers away the collateral for the loan and then runs into Bankruptcy Court – but no longer!  The Bankruptcy Court for the Jacksonville Division of the Middle District of Florida, relying on prior decisions of Bankruptcy Courts throughout the country, recently ruled that by transferring [...]

A Borrower Cannot Sell Business Assets That Are Intended as Collateral For a Loan, and Then Try to Discharge the Debt in Bankruptcy2015-07-13T09:14:49-04:00

Thinking about purchasing a tax deed?


Many purchasers are surprised to learn that title to real property acquired by tax deed is not immediately "marketable".  Most title insurers will not insure title to a tax deed property without the filing of a Quiet Title Action.  Assuming a proper quiet title action is completed (through all appeals), the title will be deemed [...]

Thinking about purchasing a tax deed?2015-07-06T10:40:13-04:00

Attorney Elizabeth Allen gives Special Needs Planning Workshop in Lakeland


On June 29, 2015, Elder Law and Special Needs Planning Attorney, Elizabeth P. Allen, conducted a workshop on Planning For Persons With Special Needs for members of Just Cares, Inc.   The event was held at Just Dance, Academy of Dance and Etiquette on 124 South Kentucky Ave., Lakeland, Florida. Just Cares, Inc. is a non-profit [...]

Attorney Elizabeth Allen gives Special Needs Planning Workshop in Lakeland2015-07-01T14:45:18-04:00

So, you want to leave assets to a minor child or grandchild? Make sure that you create a Trust so that you don’t trigger the need for a Guardianship.


If the value of the assets that are left to a minor under the age of 18 exceeds $15,000.00, a Court-administered Guardianship will be required for the minor child.  This may happen inadvertently by designating a child as a contingent beneficiary on a life insurance policy or passing away without a Will.   Not only [...]

So, you want to leave assets to a minor child or grandchild? Make sure that you create a Trust so that you don’t trigger the need for a Guardianship.2015-06-29T14:45:33-04:00

Are you thinking about buying a house or condominium at a foreclosure sale?


Thinking about buying a house or condominium at a foreclosure? -- Be careful! In all likelihood, under both scenarios, you will be responsible for paying all charges (assessments, interest, and attorneys’ fees) that were incurred and owed by the prior owner. You may want to wait and allow the lender to purchase the property at the [...]

Are you thinking about buying a house or condominium at a foreclosure sale?2015-06-22T16:35:52-04:00

Florida Tax Free ABLE Accounts to help Persons with Disabilities Save Money


On May 21, 2015 the Florida ABLE Act became law.  The law is pursuant to the 2014 federal Achieving A Better Life Experience Act of 2014 (the ABLE ACT) which allows states to establish tax free savings accounts for certain people with disabilities.  The ABLE Act allows eligible individuals with disabilities to save money, up [...]

Florida Tax Free ABLE Accounts to help Persons with Disabilities Save Money2015-06-15T09:41:04-04:00
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