Elder Law

Why should I Pay a Lawyer to Do My Will When I Can Do it Myself and Save Money?


If you don't have a Will a laywer can prepare one for you.  However, what if you want to save money and do it yourself?  You surely can “do it yourself” but “save money”?? Here is a little cautionary tale to consider:   Former Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, Warren Burger, took [...]

Why should I Pay a Lawyer to Do My Will When I Can Do it Myself and Save Money?2019-07-30T09:23:39-04:00

Gibbons | Neuman- Keeping Up-to-Date on Long Term Care Planning


Firm elder law attorney Beverly White, Esquire, presented to a group of eager listeners today on the topics of Medicaid and Long Term Care. The group? The attorneys and staff of Gibbons | Neuman. Everyone left the presentation with a better understanding and knowledge of the immeasurable benefits of proper long term planning. Beverly and [...]

Gibbons | Neuman- Keeping Up-to-Date on Long Term Care Planning2019-04-11T13:31:32-04:00

Handmade Quilts to Season’s Hospice


Elizabeth (Liz) Allen, one of the firm’s elder law attorneys, has several hobbies, one of which is quilting.  For several years she has made lap quilts to donate to the local hospice which gives them to their clients and families.  Liz’s hope is that the quilts help to make such a difficult time a little [...]

Handmade Quilts to Season’s Hospice2019-02-28T09:09:47-05:00

VA Pension Program Rules have Changed


Effective October 18, 2018, The VA made some major rule changes to its Pension Program. This is the program that provides financial assistance to eligible wartime veterans and their surviving spouses for long term care costs.  The changes include a maximum net worth limit, a three year look back period for transfers and penalties for [...]

VA Pension Program Rules have Changed2018-12-04T09:55:55-05:00

Gibbons | Neuman Raises Over $16,000 for Alzheimer’s Association


Since 2014, Gibbons | Neuman has been participating in the Walk To End Alzheimer’s, raising money for the Alzheimer’s Association to find a cure for Alzheimer’s Disease. This year, in addition to our individual tram members’ fundraising efforts, the Firm had an Open House to say “thanks” to our clients, business partners and friends who [...]

Gibbons | Neuman Raises Over $16,000 for Alzheimer’s Association2018-11-20T08:58:24-05:00

Open House and Fundraiser a Big Success!


On October 18th, we held an Open House and fundraiser for the Alzheimer’s Association.  For the last 5 years, Gibbons | Neuman has fielded a team that has participated in the Walk to End Alzheimer’s and we have raised thousands of dollars for the Alzheimer’s Association.  This year we increased our fundraising goals and had [...]

Open House and Fundraiser a Big Success!2018-11-01T13:17:06-04:00

Gibbons | Neuman Keeping the Community Informed


Several of the attorneys of Gibbons | Neuman have been busy lately keeping the Tampa Bay community informed of important legal matters.   On May 9th, Attorneys Elizabeth Allen, Beverly White and Gary Gibbons appeared on WMNF’s Radioactivity radio show hosted by Rob Lorei.  The show focused on long term care and Medicaid issues and the [...]

Gibbons | Neuman Keeping the Community Informed2018-05-30T10:59:19-04:00

Euphemisms for Death and Dying– Avoiding the Topic can Lead to Problems


Some friends were sharing a bottle of wine and the conversation turned to remembering someone who had “passed away.”  The next thing you know, the friends began listing the euphemisms that we use in our society for death or dying.  The list they came up with before the wine bottle was empty is quite lengthy.  [...]

Euphemisms for Death and Dying– Avoiding the Topic can Lead to Problems2018-01-25T09:20:23-05:00

2018 Medicaid and VA Pension Figures


Certain Medicaid income and asset standards are adjusted beginning each January in accordance with changes in the SSI federal benefit rate (FBR) and the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Likewise, maximum benefit amounts under the VA Pension Program are adjusted each year based upon the CPI.  For 2018 , the new figures are: SSI FBR = [...]

2018 Medicaid and VA Pension Figures2018-01-10T11:22:01-05:00

News article highlights some elder care issues…but not all


Several weeks ago Jill Schlesinger, CPF, a CBS News Business Analyst, wrote an article entitled “When making long-term care decision, get a second opinion” which was published in several news outlets.  You can read the whole article here. The article mentions that 70% of people turning 65 can expect to use some form of long [...]

News article highlights some elder care issues…but not all2017-12-20T14:21:02-05:00
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