Estate Planning

Euphemisms for Death and Dying– Avoiding the Topic can Lead to Problems


Some friends were sharing a bottle of wine and the conversation turned to remembering someone who had “passed away.”  The next thing you know, the friends began listing the euphemisms that we use in our society for death or dying.  The list they came up with before the wine bottle was empty is quite lengthy.  [...]

Euphemisms for Death and Dying– Avoiding the Topic can Lead to Problems2018-01-25T09:20:23-05:00

7 Tips for Helping Families with Special Needs


Families with children, grandchildren or other family members (such as parents) with special needs have unique planning requirements. There are numerous misconceptions in this area that can result in costly mistakes when planning for special needs beneficiaries.  Understanding the pitfalls associated with special needs planning is a must for all of us who assist families [...]

7 Tips for Helping Families with Special Needs2017-12-07T10:05:16-05:00

Planning for Disability – The Good, The Bad and The Necessary


No one likes to think about the possibility of their own disability or the disability of a loved one. However, as we'll see below, the statistics are clear that we should all plan for at least a temporary disability. The statistics are eye-opening surrounding disability and some of the common disability planning options. Disability planning [...]

Planning for Disability – The Good, The Bad and The Necessary2017-11-03T10:51:09-04:00

Do I Need A Living Will, A Do Not Resuscitate Order, Or Both?


In our estate planning practice, we encourage our clients to make important advance decisions as to their own health care.  This involves “advance directives” such as designating a Health Care Surrogate (and back-up persons) to make health care decisions if you become incapacitated and can no longer make those decisions for yourself; and, preparing a [...]

Do I Need A Living Will, A Do Not Resuscitate Order, Or Both?2017-10-18T11:19:27-04:00

Gibbons | Neuman Welcomes Attorney Beverly J. White to the Firm


Gibbons | Neuman is excited and pleased to announce that Beverly J. White, an Estate Planning and Elder Law Attorney, has joined the firm.  Beverly has been practicing in the state of Florida for over 20 years.  She is a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, The Academy of Florida Elder Law [...]

Gibbons | Neuman Welcomes Attorney Beverly J. White to the Firm2017-10-17T11:47:18-04:00



It is not unusual for someone to name their children, or a niece or nephew as beneficiaries, or contingent beneficiaries on their life insurance policies.  Sometimes an employer may offer group life insurance coverage and in haste, the employee names minor children as beneficiaries of that policy.  “I want them to have that money for [...]

PARENTS NEED TRUSTS FOR MINORS2017-10-12T13:41:05-04:00

Be Careful How You Title Your Car (Or Whom You Loan It To)


How a motor vehicle is titled can have serious liability ramifications. Florida follows the “Dangerous Instrumentality Doctrine” which basically recognizes that driving a vehicle is one of the most dangerous things that we do.  Therefore, if an owner of a vehicle voluntarily allows another person to drive that vehicle, and they negligently injure someone, the [...]

Be Careful How You Title Your Car (Or Whom You Loan It To)2017-09-05T12:10:13-04:00

Who Can Help You When You Need It The Most?


We often tell clients that effective estate planning doesn’t just involve handling matters after your death, but, more importantly, involves making provisions for your care while you are living, but suffer a disabling event which prevents you from acting for yourself. Every adult should have a Designation of Health Care Surrogate to designate someone (and [...]

Who Can Help You When You Need It The Most?2017-05-23T13:22:57-04:00

Elder Law Attorney Discusses Long Term Care Planning with Caregiver Support Group


On April 11, 2017, the firm’s elder law attorney, Elizabeth Allen, gave a presentation on long term care planning to members of the Alzheimer’s Support Group at Hyde Park United Methodist Church hosted by Jennifer Green of Right At Home. This group is comprised of caregivers to individuals with Alzheimer’s.  They meet every second Tuesday [...]

Elder Law Attorney Discusses Long Term Care Planning with Caregiver Support Group2017-05-03T12:20:13-04:00

Firm’s Elder Law Attorney Speaks at Business Transitions Council Meeting


Elizabeth Allen, the firm’s elder law attorney, gave a presentation on March 7th to the Business Transitions Council.  This group is made up of Tampa Bay area business leaders who focus on sharing ideas, experiences, education and insights among its members and the business community to increase the members’ professional effectiveness. Ms. Allen spoke to [...]

Firm’s Elder Law Attorney Speaks at Business Transitions Council Meeting2017-04-18T10:05:06-04:00
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