
An Update from Our Firm Regarding COVID-19


During this time of uncertainty and concern for one’s own safety and health and that of loved ones and the public at large, Gibbons | Neuman wants you to know that we are taking this crisis seriously.  We have implemented virus safety/cleaning protocol for our staff as to changes to our standard practices.  We are [...]

An Update from Our Firm Regarding COVID-192020-03-19T12:12:32-04:00

Property Disputes- Partition


How do I settle my dispute regarding jointly owned real property? Often, two or more persons will buy a piece of investment property with high hopes of collecting rent, paying off the mortgage and providing an income stream. In many instances, disputes arise regarding maintenance, improvements, collection of rent, etc. When these disputes become irreconcilable, [...]

Property Disputes- Partition2020-03-04T10:54:03-05:00

Mediation Tip- Managing Client Expectations:


When I serve in my role as mediator, I typically have private sessions with the clients and their attorneys before the general session. When I discuss compromise and the reasons why it makes sense, I sometimes see quizzical or even angry looks on the faces of the parties. This tells me that the client has [...]

Mediation Tip- Managing Client Expectations:2020-02-19T10:11:29-05:00

The New ”SECURE Act” Changes Rules on Retirement Savings


In December, 2019, the President signed into law the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act which took effect on January 1, 2020.  This law has made significant changes in some of the retirement account rules which previously existed. Some of the changes include delaying the date on which a person must begin [...]

The New ”SECURE Act” Changes Rules on Retirement Savings2020-02-04T15:27:10-05:00

Residential Real Estate Purchase and Sale Contract- Buyer Beware


Is it important to understand your contract in connection with your residential real estate purchase? Consider the case of Florida Investment Group v. Lafont, 271 So. 3d 1 (Fla. 4DCA 2019). In Lafont, the Buyer had a financing contingency which stated that the contract was subject to the Buyer obtaining a conventional fixed rate loan [...]

Residential Real Estate Purchase and Sale Contract- Buyer Beware2020-01-14T13:13:25-05:00

Neighbors, Fences, and Adverse Possession


Over seven (7) years ago, I installed a fence that is on a portion of my neighbor’s yard. Is it now my property?   We have been asked this and similar questions regarding adverse possession and boundary disputes. There typically is not an easy answer. There are specific requirements for claiming ownership of another’s property [...]

Neighbors, Fences, and Adverse Possession2019-12-12T09:23:12-05:00

We got it settled. Let’s get it right.


In mediation, getting the case settled is only half the battle. I always say the devil is in the details. Once you have a settlement in principle, it must be reduced to writing (the “Mediated Settlement Agreement”). Once all the parties have signed, we have a binding agreement. I make it a practice to show [...]

We got it settled. Let’s get it right.2019-11-14T12:31:34-05:00
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